
simple stories with easy vocabulary

all stories come with exercises and practice pages

QR Codes provide videos and additional info

all stories are also available in .mp3

18 Fairytales for Intermediate Beginner

The Grimm’s fairytales are a well-known and treasured part of german culture.
So including them into your language studies, you can learn on different fronts simulaniously:
Learn vocabulary and sentence structures, while also gaining knowledge about the stories themselves.

20 sentences

Knowing how overwhelming long paragraphs can be, I limited each story to 20 sentences. This allows you to work with the story afterwards instead of being exhausted after reading.


Although each story has its own plot, princes, stepmums and for example gold appear in many of them. And you will remember these word pretty soon.


Each story is followed by three pages of exercises. You get questions, as well as a cloze version of the fairytale and notes to rewrite the story.

read and listen

On top of reading all stories, you can also listen to the .mp3-versions. This allows you to practise your pronounciation and listening comprehension.

Facts ABOUT this e-book

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If you’re not satisfied, I’m not satisfied.

My goal is for you to have fun while learning german. So if that’s not the case, please take back your money and use it for a different learning approach.


grow & learn


To get you started with your selfstudy, you can book a single 1-hour group study class. We go over one story and I show you how to work with it.

a look inside


- Aschenputtel
- Bremer Stadtmusikanten
- Dornröschen
- der Fischer und seine Frau
- Froschkönig
- Hänsel und Gretel
- Hans im Glück
- der Hase und der Igel
- Frau Holle
- Rapunzel
- Rotkäppchen
- Rumpelstielzchen
- Schneeweißchen & Rosenrot
- Schneewittchen
- Sterntaler
- der süße Brei
- Tischlein deck dich
- die 7 Geißlein

Currently I do not have a video about this ebook. But many fairytales that are featured in the book can also be found in this busy picture. How many can you spot?

behind this e-book

The idea

After publishing many vidoes about fairytales on my Youtube channel, I came to realise that many students from all over the words know the stories already.
Not all of them, but even if they didn’t the found themselves drawn into these cultural stories.
To give you viewer a written form of these fairytales, as well as a guidline to selfstudy, I put together this ebook.
Kathrin Hudelmayer

Author of the stories

All stories are written by Kathrin Hudelmayer, who is the heart and brain behind “comprehensible GERMANi”.
She is a passionate language teacher who studied childhood education and was trained by the TPRS founder Blaine Ray.

She loves the beauty of natural learning and language acquisition.

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Start now

This eBook is for you! Because you want to learn German naturally and I have the perfect stories for you to do so.

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